Monday, July 22, 2013

To Puke or Not to Puke

Gross I know. But there is no other way I can describe Friday's intense CrossFit workout. Apparently, Fridays are fun days. They usually are because I work from home. But CrossFit's fun day is Renita's death day. Here's the WOD followed by my scaled version (if any) in parenthesis.

15 Squat cleans 155/115 (used the 35 lb bar)
30 Toes to bar - (knees to chest)
30 Box jumps 24/20 
15 Muscle ups - (45 ring rows, 45 dips)
30 push press/push jerk 95/65 - (45 lb bar)
30 Double unders - (90 regular)
15 Thrusters 135/95 - (45 lb bar)
30 Pull-ups - (used 3 bands - first time)
30 Burpees
300 feet Walking lunge with 45/25# plate held overhead 

Absolute insanity. I can't count how many times I stopped during the lunges at the end. I saw stars. I wanted to puke.The heat was getting to me. I wanted to puke. My ass hurt. I looked for a place to puke. My body hurt. I wanted to put down the 25 lb plate and pick up a smaller one but I didn't want to scale something I knew I could do. So I did it and I didn't puke! When I finished,  I assumed the CrossFit recovery position.

It took me a while to get up and when I did, I signed up for my first month of CrossFit. It's official, I no longer dabble in CrossFit, I am a member of my box. I called Hubby in the car on the way home and broke down the work out. I told him he had to go that night to see what I did. And then I went home and made myself a Banana Cinnamon Muffin Bowl. It took all of 3 minutes and it was wonderful. And Paleo. Win Win.

On Saturday, we went to on a chocolate tour in Philadelphia with our best friends and their adorable little girl. We walked around in the heat all day so Sunday, I vegged. By vegged, I mean stayed home and prepped meals for the week. Eating clean definitely takes more time prepping and planning but it's worth it. I did eat a cheesesteak in Philly and had a couple beers so Sunday I was ready to go back to normal eating. It's wonderful that normal now means less processed, more meat and veggies.

I'm going back to CrossFit tonight and then I have my last appointment with Trainer on Wednesday. I'm going to miss her. Friday I'm back at the box for another fun day (shoot me now) and then Sunday I have a 5K with my local running mom group. It's a busy week and I'm looking forward to it!

Happy Monday to you all! What workouts do you have planned for the week?


  1. Oh my! This is intense. I'm not sure if I could do Crossfit. We don't have a box here but I am considering doing some of the at home workouts people post. But no Paleo for me. :)

    1. Carli, I'm sure you can do it. The sense of accomplishment you feel after a CF workout is unreal. That's what keeps me coming back!


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